Quantum Networks
Exploring the next generation technologies for telecommunication networks.
The research and development field ‘Quantum Networks’ focuses on technological potentials that can significantly enhance the future performance of telecommunications networks. These include, for example, quantum technologies, whose added value in connection with communication networks must be researched and practically experienced. Another field includes technologies and concepts that are being discussed across industries for upcoming mobile generations, such as disaggregation, integrated communication and sensing, security-by-design, among others. What added value can Deutsche Telekom provide to customers here in the medium to long term?
An important milestone in 2023 was the opening of the ‘Quantum Lab’ in Berlin: a test laboratory including a research fiber optic network, which allows Deutsche Telekom to test and make the latest concepts and hardware of quantum communication technology and quantum security tangible for our customers. Through a synergy of interdisciplinary approaches and close partnerships, we have ventured into new territory here and are now exploring the conventional boundaries of network technology in terms of security, capacity potentials, and resilience. We continue our work within our established portfolio, which is closely linked to federal public programs such as the ‘Innovation Hub for Quantum Communication’ and the ‘6G Industrial Projects.’ The year ahead promises further progress and solidifies our commitment to innovation, application-oriented research, and shaping the networks of the future.”